Liga Harvest wydłużona o 7 dni
Cytujac GGG (
    GGG pisze:

    Our plan to mitigate the potential impact of a late December launch is to launch our 3.12 September expansion just 12 weeks after the launch of Harvest. It's a much larger league than Harvest, so we had to begin work on this expansion about a month early. We believe we can successfully launch within this time frame. This would also mean that if everything goes well, our December expansion can also occur earlier and leave more room prior to the holiday period.

    This is all still subject to change so don't book your time off until we can confirm the launch date more firmly, but we're hopefully looking at the middle of each launch month.

Z gory pisali ze moga sie nie wyrobic. Dorabianie do tego jakichs teorii spiskowych zupelnie nie na miejscu, zadnej manipulacji nie bylo. Ba, wrecz powiem ze GGG to jeden z niewielu devow ktory dokladnie tlumaczy swoje plany i zamiary.